Quick products are a useful way to make certain products easily accessible without having to scan the barcode tag to identify a product, or do a manual product search.
For instance, a store associate can quickly add a shopping bag to the sale using Quick products.
What to do prior to start using Quick products
- Create a Collection of products that need to be listed under Quick products. In this collection, you can include products that are often purchased with the same main product.
(Click here to know more about collections.) - Once done, go to Admin > Settings > POS Settings and choose which collection to be used as Quick Product collection.
How does it work
On the product search page, list of Quick products will be shown as default. See the example below.
List of Quick products will not impact the normal operation of product search.
You can continue to search products and the relevant results will be retrieved as expected.
Tap 'Reset' to navigate away from product search results and return to Quick products.
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