In this article, you will learn how to lookup products in catalog.
Browse through products using super search
In this section:
Search for a product
On the Catalog page, you will find a search bar at the top-right corner.
You can lookup products using ProductID, Product number, Colour code, Brand, Product group, Season and Color.
You can also search for multiple attributes at the same time, for example "black nike shoes". The search will retrieve all products that includes these search terms.
Filter your product list
You can use filters to limit the search results. The combination of keywords and filters will help you find the specific products that you need quickly and easily.
The filter has the following options available:
- Brand: Shows all products that are of the selected brand.
- Season: Shows all products that are of the selected season.
- Size: Shows all products that are of the selected size.
- Deleted products: Shows all the deleted products.
- Products in stock: Shows only those products that are in stock and available for purchase.
- Active products for current store: This is selected as default when searching for products in product catalog, or when searching / scanning products in POS.
- The POS product range is limited by the Recommended Retail Price (RRP) list for the current store.
- A product is defined as 'Active' if it has a price in the RRP list for the current store.
- Sales channel: Shows the products that are available in the following sales channel.
- Any
- Available online
- Only in POS
- Gender: Shows the products that are of the selected gender.
- Collections: Shows all products that are available in the selected collection.
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