Catalog contains all products registered in your store. It stores product data, stock quantity and stock movement history.
In order for an item to be scanned in Front Systems POS or online channels, it must be registered here.
In this section:
Catalog can be found under Product menu.
Catalog overview
In the product catalog overview you will see a list of all products registered in your store. You will see a brief summary of each product, such as product number, color code, purchase price, landed cost, sales price, gross margin (%) and stock quantity.
Below are some of the tasks that can be performed from the list of products page.
- Product search: Use the search bar to find a product in Catalog.
- Add a new product: Click New Product to add new products to your store.
- Copy a product: To copy an existing product, click Copy on the product you want to copy.
- Delete a product: To delete a product, click Delete on the product you want to delete.
- Print labels: To print labels for a product, click Print
Product details
If you want to drill down to product data, search and select the relevant product.
Product details will list information such as name, product ID, GTIN, product number, color code, price, photos and other product dimensions.
It also gives you an overview of the stock quantity in other stores as well as the stock quantity for the product per size.
Not all users have the right to edit products. For more information on Backoffice roles, click here.
Product history
To view the history / stock movement on a particular product, do the following:
- Navigate to Catalog (Product > Catalog).
- Search and click on the relevant product.
- Click History.
The product history page logs all stock movements registered on that product, through deliveries, POS and stock counts.
Use the available filters for specific results. You can filter by type of activity, size, stock, user and date. This is useful in cases where you need to compress the information.
Additional information such as receipt number, sale ID or any notes registered on the sale can be found here.
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