On the Deliveries page, you will get an overview of all the deliveries that have been registered for your store.
To see the details of a product delivery, click on the relevant delivery .
Each delivery in the list contains information, such as ID, type, user who created / updated the delivery, costs, and the number of goods received against the number ordered.
Categorizing the deliveries
This helps in having a better overview on deliveries that have not been received yet, the ones that are completed or voided.
All the deliveries that have not been received yet, will be listed under Pending tab.
The Received column displays the number of goods received against the number ordered.
This is indicated with a horizontal progress bar that is color coded to give a quick overview on the number of items received in the order.
What do the colors in the received column mean?
a) Orange:
Applies to a planned delivery that has been partially received. The progress bar shows the number of items against the number of items ordered.
b) Grey/White:
Applies to a planned delivery when no goods have been received.
c) Green:
Applies to a direct delivery and planned delivery when all the goods have been received
All the deliveries that have been received and completed will be grouped under Archive tab.
How to mark a delivery as Archived:
- Select the relevant delivery.
- In the top-right corner under Actions, select the checkbox next to Mark as archived .
- Click Save.
- The delivery will be moved to the Archived tab.
All the deliveries that are pending or have either been archived or voided will be listed under All tab.
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